Archangel Healing
“We wish you to know now, today,
that the most important thing about life anywhere
is the reception of
The Creator Love, The Creator Light, The Essence of All There Is.
This is what sustains you, this is what sustains us, this is what sustains the
physical universe,
this is what sustains the invisible universes, this is what sustains
and it is unending.
It continually flows in all directions outward from that great Point of
Light we all call The Great Sun.” 
 - Archangel Messages
Marilyn Zschau Baars  has been receiving messages from The Archangels since 2003, and, with her husband Frans Baars, has been transmitting their healing energies and messages to clients since 2008.

Marilyn Zschau Baars and Frans Baars

e welcome you to make an appointment for a session of healing, enlightenment, peace, and tranquility. During your session, you will receive a personal message from The Archangels as well as their healing energies of Love and Light that come from The Creator of All There Is.

The exalted energies of The Archangelic Realm of Healing Light will uplift, heal, and sustain you on your healing path.

We are available for Archangel Healing Sessions via Telephone, Skype and in person.
Please call or email us for rates and appointment times. Thank you.

Contact Information:
Telephone: (510) 336-9269

"We say to you now that our greatest and deepest desire is to be of service to you, and to help you when asked at all times. Remember to call upon us. We so eagerly await your call. Know that we are here for you, and that we will do all in our power to help you with anything that you need, even if it means changing your Contract to remove certain parts which may have caused you some pain, or at least, discomfort upon your journey in human form. 

We are the Archangels, and many, many, many more and we send you our Peace, our Love and our Protection always and forever. And So It Is.” ~ The Archangels

Art by Walter Bruneel ©2013 All Rights Reserved.
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